0409 871 671 justrefrigeration@hotmail.com
Ice Slushee Van 3

Feel Good, Source Local

“Buy Local and Support your Community” is not just a feel-good saying as “It’s the thought that counts” is. And it also isn’t limited to just the consumer; Businesses who seek out local Suppliers can have an equally significant impact on the local economy as the consumers who purchase the end-of-the-line product or service.

According to Applied Economics, “The findings of this analysis show that locally owned companies with a vested interest in the community, in fact, do create a greater economic impact, indirectly supporting more jobs, payroll and output locally.”

Just Refrigeration is The Direct Importers of BUNN Gourmet Ice and related systems into Australia from USA. The BUNN brand is one of the most respected and widely renowned slush / coffee brands throughout the world. Just Refrigeration are constantly working with BUNN to ensure equipment bound for the Australian and New Zealand market is tested and perfectly suited to Australian requirements and conditions.

Just Refrigeration has a wide network of Industry Specialists that operate Australia and New Zealand Wide. Just Refrigeration provides outstanding equipment and customer service, general and specific advice along with tailored solutions for all Markets. We also have the largest Certified Technical network for our machines in Australia and New Zealand.

It is important to note that the owner of Just Refrigeration and Ice Slushee has over 29yrs of experience in the Refrigeration industry so you will be purchasing a Bunn Ultra Slush Machine from a business who knows the Slush / Refrigeration Business.

Just Refrigeration and Ice Slushee understand every facet of slush and can tailor a total slush solution to make your operation a further success. We also have a 24hr Tech Support Number Direct to the Owner Mike Hyde. We are The Bunn-O-Matic® Factory Authorized Sales, Service and Warranty Agents for Australia and New Zealand and we are right in your backyard. Ready to make the switch to local suppliers? The best way to meet other local businesses is through local associations!


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