0409 871 671 justrefrigeration@hotmail.com

Just Refrigeration understands every facet of the Ice Slushee business and can tailor a total Ice slushee solution to make your operation a further success. We are a refrigeration business and our core business is Slush Machines and we know all about Slushie Machines. Not like other companies who try to copy what Just Refrigeration has done over the many years of being in business.

It is important to note that the owner of Just Refrigeration has over 30yrs of experience in the refrigeration industry so you will be purchasing a Bunn Slush machine or Elmeco Slush Machine from a business who knows the Slushie and Refrigeration Business.

Bunn Ultra Slushy Machines and Elmeco slush machines provide high quality frozen drinks dispensed quickly so your customers won’t have to wait. Featuring a heavy duty motor, seals, stainless steel construction and advanced electronics, the Bunn Ultra Slushy Machine and the Elmeco slush machine have been engineered to work reliably every day.

Each Twin Slushy machine can make 96 cups of 250ml per twin hopper before refill. The patented reversing auger design quickens freeze time and reduces air mixing. Our slushy machines are simple to program and run with the touchpad and LCD display, which also guides cleaning and preventive maintenance.

The Bunn Ultra Single Bowl Machine allows operators to make wonderful frozen beverages in just 8 inches (20.1 cm) of counter space.

Ice Slushee Slush Machine Profits

The primary purpose of having a Ice Slushee Slush Machine is to make money. Here is a working scenario for selling 250ml cups at $3.00 each. You can easily get over $20,000 yearly extra profit.

How to Start a Slushee Business? - Ice Slushee Slush Machine Profits

Your Ice Slushee Costs are:
– 250ml cup: $0.22 small size
– 350ml cup: $0.30 regular size
– 450ml cup: $0.38 large size
(plus the cup and straw of around $0.10)

Ice Slushee Recommended Sale Prices are:
– 250ml cup: $2.50 600% profit
– 350ml cup: $3.50 600% profit
– 450ml cup: $4.50 600% profit

So you can clearly see there is money to be made with Ice Slushee. If you are ready to start your Slushee Business or you have any questions call Mike Hyde, the owner of Just Refrigeration at 0409 871 671.